The Highlands will utilize voice-assisted care to enable dynamic, personalized, and interactive care throughout its nursing care program -shift-to-shift and caregiver-to-caregiver. By giving caregivers the capabilityto access resident care needs on-demand, complete paperwork simply by talking, and enhance care-team collaboration with Silent Paging(TM), The Highlands expects to achieve numerous performance gains.
According to Danielle Hammer, NHA, director of health services of The Highlands at Wyomissing, "We're always on the lookout for innovative ways totake quality of care to the next level, and technology is a key part of our strategic focus to help continuously improve resident care outcomes. AccuNurse is a one-of-a-kind solution that will enable us to achieve our goals of responding to resident needs in a timely way, maintaining a line of communication between our care team and enabling real-time flexibility so we can adapt to resident care needs on a daily basis - or even minute-by-minute,if necessary. With AccuNurse, we will not only improve outcomes, but will doso with dignity toward our residents, accuracy in our documentation, and accountability for the care we deliver 24x7 to all residents across all disciplines. We see voice-assisted care as a core component of achieving and maintaining a high standard of excellence throughout our community."
About Vocollect Healthcare Systems AccuNurse voice-assisted care from Vocollect Healthcare Systems, Inc. makes it easy for healthcare professionals to retrieve care needs on-demand,chart activities as they are completed, and Silent Page each other for help. Organizations using AccuNurse benefit from lower operating costs, maximized reimbursements, and improved quality of care. Vocollect Healthcare Systems is a subsidiary of Vocollect, Inc., the global leader in voice technology and delivering performance improvements in productivity, accuracy, cost reduction and worker satisfaction for mobile employees on six continents.
Original Article Here: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-25-2008/0004872874&EDATE=