Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dynamic Bedside Point of Care Technology: IntelliDOT

The lightweight, wireless IntelliDOT handheld device enables nurses to perform safety checks and safely administer medications at the bedside with just one hand. As such, the system helps hospitals meet Joint Commission standards by positively identifying patients. Best of all, the IntelliDOT System lets caregivers verify the five rights of medication management – right medication, right dose, right route, right patient, right time – easily, quickly and comprehensively at the bedside.

The IntelliDOT charting link has eliminated the time nurses spend entering medication administration into computers, which enables nurses to spend more time with patients.

"The IntelliDOT and EPIC interface with Boston WorkStation works very well," said Jay Scherler, Vice President, Business and Support Services at Providence Healthcare Network. "In fact, one of the key selling points of IntelliDOT was that it could seamlessly chart back to our EPIC MAR."

Scherler was especially impressed with the implementation of IntelliDOT BMA. "I can't imagine a cleaner install than what we had," said Scherler. "It was one of the smoothest implementations I've ever experienced. I would encourage anyone on the fence waiting for a barcode medication administration system to consider IntelliDOT."

By simply scanning a patient wristband, the IntelliDOT System handheld device guides nurses through all required tasks and documentation for a patient. Information is automatically sent via clear, concise, organized and logical commands directly into the caregiver’s hand at the point-of-care. IntelliDOT organizes workflow at the bedside while automatically queuing critical tasks and displaying key information. What's more, nurses can document their work while they are working without additional computer log-ins.

"We've given well over a million medication doses using IntelliDOT BMA and we know for a fact that it's safer," said Bill Arrington, Director of Pharmacy at Stillwater Medical Center. "We did a post-implementation study and our medication error rate went to zero."

IntelliDOT Corporation
13520 Evening Creek Drive North
Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92128
(858) 746 3100

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